Saturday 14 December 2013

Poem: Love- Its she

Who calls me in the morning to know If I got up?
And I get angry, for waking me up so early.

Who reminds me I have some important work today?
And I ask to call later, as I am still in sleep.

Who tries to wake me up again, so that I won't get late?
And I keep saying, "Can we talk later please?"

Who doesn't mind what I said and keeps trying further?
And then I scream "Alright, whats the time?"

Who smiles at my scream even and slowly says, "Its already 7"?
And then I get the shock, "Oh God, Am late, talk to you later!"

Who keeps waiting to hear something more even when the phone gets disconnected,
And I forget all about it and get ready for the daily go,

I reach my work place on time,
Work for the day, and everything goes fine,
The important work goes brilliant,
And got lots of compliments for being sincere,
Enjoy the evening may be with some friends,
And then way back home I remember the morning call.
Feel guilty too,
But what to do!

Who calls again right at that moment, to know how I did?
And I almost in tears can just say-
" I wish I could just hug you Maa"


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